You might like to have a look at the "Virtual Photographer" plugin from OpticVerve Labs. It has configurable choices for converting to B/W and several Pros I talk to on various boards are using it to great effect. Worth a try anyway as it's free - for the moment anyway. Polly >Thanks again for the last two comments about it being a good stock photo. I really hated to get it off my website >because I liked it. I never really saw the image as a powerful pj shot. No emotion. Thanks for the advice from >everyone. It is really appreciated. Also, I have to work on that PS magic. I only have PS Elements 2.0, and I >have been trying to just figure out the basics of it. I have figured out, finally, how to change the color shots to >black and white since everyone has told me this is acceptable. So, I have converted my Haiti violence images to >black and white. I still feel kind of funny about it, as if I am cheating. >Leslie