We are talking here about density. Each 'stop' is, as you
say. a range of a tenth of the full scale of 3.0, ie 0.3. What you do with
that density on the negative or capture range depends upon the
process you are using; it is not relevant to the question which was
The figure of 3.0 represents the contrast range which
the brain/eye optical system can perceive without moving the eye. Of
course a greater range can be percived if one adds together the range perceived
when looking at a bright area and that perceived when looking at a dark
area but a camera only 'sees' one point at a time.
In a message dated 25/12/2004 12:28:41 GMT Standard Time,
shahjen@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Terry King
RPS Historical Group (Chairman) www.hands-on-pictures.com/ Moderated Discussion Group Post message: artaltphot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subscribe: artaltphot-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Unsubscribe: artaltphot-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1. An excellent thing is as rare as it is difficult.(Spinoza) 2. A man's reach should be beyond his grasp or what's a heaven for.(Browning) 3. Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora.(Occam's razor or 'Keep it simple!'). 4. Nullius in Verba (Horace), 'Take no man's word for it' (motto of the Royal Society). 5. If ignorance is bliss, why are not more people happy ? (anon) |