Fomecore? Or is it Foamcore? How do you use it. It's nearly white one each surface isn't it? Or are you talking about something else.
The manual for the D100 has quite precise and clear instructions about how to set the white balance. All you really need to do is follow them, and carry a small piece of fomecore around in your kit. Once you get the hang of it, do it three or four times, you can leave the manual at home and just develope the WB habit.
Really, no matter what format you're shooting with a D100, you need to do your WB every time the light changes.
I promise you. It does really work.
And I'll try to shoot something red with my 10D and see what happens.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography http://www.vsu.cape.com/~elf/