Digital SLR's and portraiture

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Hi again,
Now that I am considering DSLR's, questions pop-up.
As far as I know, for portraiture with the 35 mm format 100-150 mm lenses are considered to be the best in general (I mostly prefer 150-200 however). Anyhow we know that with the smaller sensor of the DSLR's have  a crop factor when it comes to Field of View, so shorter lenses like 17-70's 17-80's are being considered to replace the longer ones. Also because of higher ISO capability f4 lenses are considered to be OK instead of f2.8's, etc.
Theory is OK, but for me what counts is the photographs.
So I would like to hear from users of DSLR's their experience about portraiture including bokeh.
Thanks for answers.
Veli Izzet

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