It's a 20D, not a D20.
There's a 10D group on yahoo which is very pleasant, and doesn't just discuss the 10D, rather it's an amateur Canon digi group. Lots of check-out-my-new-pix-on-website type posts along with what I'm learning about how-my-Metz-flash-doesn't-work-with-my-20D type posts along with I-found-this-great-price-for-a-1-Gig-lexar-card-on... posts.
I bought a used 10D in August and I'm quite pleased with it. It's very customizable and that's working well for me. The 20D has some assets and some liabilities - it's got a somewhat smaller sensor, APS size, and accepts the new EF-S lenses being built for it and the Digital Rebel. Personally I think it's even more of a pro-sumer camera than the 10D because of the difference in the sensor size and the change in the mount. It's an 8 MP camera but the pixels are smaller because of the smaller sensor and higher pixel count, so there's not the same quality as the 10D and the higher end Canons. So I doubt I'll buy one, even though I need a second digi body.
There are other resources - just google carefully for them.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography