Quick comments on a couple of images at
Les Baldwin - Interesting crop but on my monitor the image looks noisy and
too soft for this shot to work for me.
Veli Cigirgan - Very interesting composition but for some reason it doesn't
quite make me swoon.
Deen Hameed - This is an excellent shot and really seems to represent a
graduation party. Compositionally I would flip the image horizontally so
that the people are in the left hand corner. Then the people would lead the
eye up into the swirling chaos of the party lights and everything would be
held in place by the darkness. As it is, the story seems backwards to me.
Dan Mitchell - I find the strip of black on the right hand side of the frame
needlessly darkens the interior of the restaurant which to me needs some
lightening. I love the light on the wall behind the chair though.
C J R Strevens - I love the originality of your creations Chris and this is
definitely no exception.
greg Fraser