Re: [SPAM] can there be art photography

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>Do you mean recordings compared to creative art?  Not sure of >where you are going with the question. Art has
>nothing to do with the medium. Is there a more discriptive term >than "consumer photography."  Do you mean "snap


>> this is a quickie, just to keep the mails moving...
>> can there be art photography without consumer photography?
>> what do you think?
>> enjoy, kostas

I was just watching a rerun of a talkshow about art criticism and similar.
There was a very nice lady speaking of defining art.
She is running a small art college department, she's also an art expositions curator and an artist herself.
She said, that art is something, that isn't anything else.
Well, starting to analyse and deduct, we may go really deep and consequently this (semi)funny definition will occur very definitive ;o)


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