Kalamazoo, Michigan featured the first open air mall in their downtown district. Throughout its history it has had a walking avenue and drivable street, but still remains uncovered and very non-strippy in appearence. Strip malls are the spawn of Satan. Marylin, get some duct tape and fasten down your soul.
Achal Pashine <achal@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Achal Pashine <achal@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I must tell you that some of the strip malls do have a character of their
own. The one in Palo Alto (El Camino+Embarcadero for locals) at least has
very distinctive signature. All the names of businesses in one uniform
color/background etc.
I actually despise the large (traditional) malls because, one can blindly
expect which store is where + they do lack character. Even the public one
sees in traditional mall seems to be different than the ones who frequent
strip malls?
> I despise strip malls--could you tell?
> Rich
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