Shutter lag? This might have been interesting if some shadow detail was visible. Try dropping your levels and putting a curve in there
I agree that tweaking with curves/levels would have brought out shadow also would have given a false impression of what the light was really like in the forest surrounding Lake Nakaru.......I thought about it and made the decision to leave it as it was.......thanks for the suggestion.......
At 8:17 +0000 3/14/04, Qkano wrote:
Looks like this shot was a couple of seconds late: I'm sure it would have been better with the lion's face in the patch of sun.
Hope you enjoyed Nakuru: we did
again, agreed.......but by the time that cat was spotted and the van stopped and the image made, she was gone......nature photography is like that......I'm grateful for what I got.......and Nakaru was simply was Kenya in of the few spots on Earth I've been to I care to go back to......
At 2:54 -0500 3/14/04, WRGill@xxxxxxx wrote:
Jim was exactly where I would have been while in the hungry lioness's territory, only had I been there, I would have had the top of the vehicle closed.
She, the lion looks mighty hungry!
needless to say, we didn't get much of a chance to explore on of the few places we were permitted to walk around, the hippo pools at the Mara river, was patrolled by uniformed men bearing what looked suspiciously like semi-automatic weapons........we were roundly chastised for inadvertently getting off the beaten path a bit.......
thanks to you all for the comments, they are appreciated
Jim Baja Oregon