Yeah've got the right idea.......depends on the water quality.........hard/soft/minerals/grit.............
I'm a PhotoFlo'man but if you're skimpy on the wetting agent ....depending on YOUR water conditions........the "water" just runs to the center of the negs and drys there........If you get the rate right it "sheets" off the film...............
How are you drying them ? (those look like "bits" in there)
I think you need to INCREASE the amount of the wetting agent slightly......
Use even/clean "finger" squeege..........Dry in a clean envron...........(I like a heated drying)...............
Gregory Fraser <Gregory.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I seem to be having a problem with film washing as evident by the line of crap running horizontally across the image through Barbie's left eye shown here
I washed the film with tap water. Then with the film still in the developing tank, I filled the tank with distilled water and two drops of LFN that I purchased a week ago. I agitated it in there for about twenty seconds then hung the film and squeegeed it with my wet fingers. Obviously I've done something wrong. Can anyone help me clear this up?
Thanks, Greg
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