>Photographers were once the force which pushed quality over output. our whole age is exactly the opposite for so long, and stills gians ground...it happens to music...soon enough we will purchasing our mp3s from the net, and will forgethe cds and wav format...then someone will discover the vinyl superiority to compressed formats, but it will be too late, won't it be? >I wonder if we writers of light will follow the path of the scribes. does publishing poetry pays for itself these days? that says it all kostas _____________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.mailbox.gr ÁðïêôÞóôå äùñåÜí ôï ìïíáäéêü óáò e-mail. http://www.thesuperweb.gr Äåí Ý÷åôå web site; ÁðïêôÞóôå ôï ôþñá êáé ðÜñôå äþñï ôï domain óáò!