I was loading my camera @ Muir Woods when and this is the "blank" shot you take when loading. It should be a redwood log that was on my feet
The exposure was OK, even though the black portion is very hard to look any detail into.
I had it somehow in focus and the result was quite dramatic.... just thought it would be fun to share
PS. I uploaded the full scanned image @ www4.ncsu.edu/~pcorone/images/woodscape.tif (1.0 MB)
as per rand request
At 07:26 AM 12/21/03, you wrote:
3. Pablo Coronel - "Woodscape"
Difficult to say what this actually is, although it is interesting. I like the pattern, is it supposed to be wood grain? Maybe sharpening would help. It looks like you've scanned in scratches, although they may be part of the picture. Would like a little more explanation on what you intended. outta here!
Pablo Coronel Ph.D. Candidate Food Science Department North Carolina State University Room 39 Schaub Hall, Box 7624 Raleigh, NC, 27695
Phone (919) 515-4410 Fax (919) 515-7124 e-Fax (419) 818-7590 e-mail pcorone@unity.ncsu.edu http://www4.ncsu.edu/~pcorone