Want to know what Neatimage can do for you? Want to see how well a image Stabilized lens works? Want to see the kind of detail a 10D produces? Want to see what an Egret looks like up close? Look no further than: http://jimdavis.oberro.com/html/neatimage.html I should like add that I took about 12 images in this location this morning, and all of them were this sharp. They were shot handheld by squatting and holding the camera with elbows tripoded against my chest, right hand on body, left on lens. As an extra data point, I had not yet had a morning coffee :-) I was able to approach this bird quite closely, although if I had had to put up or move a large tripod, this bird would have flown. I rode up to this bird on bicycle, with the dog, kept the dog back, parked the bike, unzipped my bag, took out the camera, moved closer into my crouch, and shot. All fairly quietly and carefully, but basically I was lucky this bird is not too shy. He did fly later when I attempted to get just a little bit closer.