.............tell me if there is any way to not get these flat colors. http://yadtel.net/~jmelara/page13.html
They are both gif files. They are very low res files and compressed approx at a ten to one ratio. The images are both posterized to about 20-25 levels. The histograms appear identical and exhibit the worst comb effect I've noted from a web image. My guess is that the image processing in your camera and software is so crude that quality results are not possible with out a tremendous amount of work in a high end image processor.
.......Does the disc deteriorate and could this be
causing these flat pictures?
Or should I just give it up until I can get a regular digital camera?
East Englewood
"You've got to have something to eat and a little love in your life before you can hold still for any damn body's sermon on how to behave." -- Billie Holiday