Jim, twice you've said you're done, straight away your back again. > my take on Bob's indignation stemmed from his > *demand* for an apology for something I never said Oh dear, now you've gone into denial. Believe me, I know exactly what you said. It's in the archives. period. <<the real BS here is you trying to make something ugly out of what I said>> If you look over the last 12 months there are not that many reviewers on this list. You are not one of them (at least I can't remember you submitting a review off hand). Here are 10 straight off the top of my head. Marilyn Jim Bob Greg Kostas Emily Pini Rich WRGill Achal I have no issues with any of them: I have no complaints about thier comments / interpretations (good and bad) on any of my images. So which of them, to quote you verbatim, does this apply to then: "I have found the critiques of my submitted images over the years to be of value with the exception of the few who use criticism to inflate their own sense of limited self worth." ["Few" means more than one in every definition I've read.] Later to clarify you wrote, again verbatim: "what I said was there are some who have gone beyond just the merits of a photo and imposed their value system on their interpretion of the image and on the photographer as well.......and by so doing reaffirmed their own sense of self worth" If you can't see how that could be construed as insulting, by association, then there really is nothing more to be said. Bob > Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God Does that do for all occupied countries?