I went all the way through your site. It is exceptional, particularly considering that it is your first effort using Flash. I'm on 56K dial up and I had no waiting, though progression was not fast it was constant and waitable.
This is great to hear :-) I've been searching for internet cafes with slow connections to test on and wouldn't you know I haven't found any. I'm glad you enjoyed the site.
I did find the Invisible Hands portion far superior in design and execution than White. IH was more refined, simpler, to the point and elegant.
Maybe this would be a good illustration of Leslie's point on presentation. White was the first web site I made, and it's almost all HTML (the itty bitty flash bit was added latter to fix an error). I'm a better shooter now, so maybe it's not the perfect example of what flash can do over straight html, but I reckon it wouldn't be bad to compare the two if one was interested.
The large text pages of White prompted me to click through even though I knew the information would be valuable.
Yeah, I wish I could mind meld all the info in the text direct to the viewer's head. As Spock has yet to come and save the world, I put every effort in being concise, but some things can be said in few words, and others can't. Maybe I need to hire the one word reviewer extrodinaire!
Cheers, Shawna