Alex Axon <> wrote/replied to: >a very simple answer: you can lose A LOT! And I'm not talking about my site! >There are so many sites out there made entirely (or not) in flash, many of >them very nice. Install now a flash player (what is the cost for you?! is >free and very smal!) and you can view a lot of very good websites that use >flash. It's all so easy. I've seen plenty of Flash, and it's not worth installing anything to see it. It's crap, plain and simple. >> You have photos you want people to see: create a site where people can >> see them. > >I think at least 95% (or maybe more) of internet users have flash players. I >just can't think of a reason not to have it....It may be stuborness? >You answered my question with another question... why don't you give me some >arguments? See above. Plus every time you install components and plug in you reduce the stability of your system and open yourself up to spyware and viruses. I just got sick of re installing stuff. I got smart. see here: Then you get smart too.