Alex- I just looked at your site. Your work is wonderful! The flash loaded very quickly on my computer, which is surprising, and it's a nice, clean, and easy to navigate site. Keep the flash and don't worry if some people don't want to install flash to access it. I think you've done a great job. By the way, I noticed on your email it is .ro. Are you in Romania? I am leading a photography tour there is fall 2004. I am looking forward to it. I hear Romania is beautiful and the people are incredible to photograph. (Of course, I have local leaders besides myself that really know the country.) Leslie Spurlock Leslie Scott Photography and Tours << My new photography site is now online. I'd be very happy if you'd share with me your opinions, comments and critiques. So if you have some time visit and tell me what you think about my site and my photos. Thank you very much! Alexandru Axon >>