>>>> > Seems the educational system here has severely misserved most of the > current generations.<<<< Welcome to the arrogance of America. Didn't we already show everyone we don't like dissention anymore? >>>> The American education system ranks as number fourteen. South Korea ranks one and Japan ranks two. <<< Yes, but our tanks and fighter jets are better than yours. We have the highest rate of divorce, infidelity and teenage suicide. We kill more people in this country in the name of justice AND anger or crime. We consume more fossil fuels, more of the rain forest and more of McDonald's fat laden hamburgers. We drive the biggest SUVs we can find, without our turn signals because we have a cell phone in that hand. And, we want more. Take care, Gregory david Stempel FIREFRAMEi m a g i n g www.americanphotojournalist.com "The brave ones were shooting the enemy, the crazy ones were shooting film"