> Bob Talbot (Hide) - More blue. Gotta love that and the lovely blend of peaceful colors. The amount of blur and shake was minimal enough that I was interested in figuring out I was looking at. At first I wondered if 'hide' referred to the skin of an animal since the leaves atop the right hand brown splotch resemble the claws of some fierce predator hiding in the plants at the right. But having looked longer, I see a person sitting on a curb (perhaps) and hiding under a towel. Far less dramatic but my active imagination keeps turning the leaves into claws. I'm curious though about the blue squares. Are they the dividers of a multi-paned window? Greg the explanation is blindingly simple ... the shot was an AF accident. The "Hide" refers to the towel only - am makeshift "blind". Sat on the patio late one afternoon waiting to photograph a blackbird basking in a sunspot. A simple towel draped over my head to make me look not like a person to the bird (really, all that camo crap is irrelavent to nature photogrpahy: it don't fool the birds. Anyway: half press the shatter and the AF finds my reflection in the shed at the bottom of the garden (40 yards away). The shed is dark brown but bathed by the second biggest light source in the sky: the sky. Brown it might be to the eye: the light coming off it is saturated with shorter wavelengths. In the shed: through the glass, the handles of a lawnmower. Behind me, the patio doors cast another reflection reflected too in the window of the shed. Big deal. I pressed the shutter anyway and went back to waiting for the bird - it returned eventually. No great picture, just another accident that happened. Still don't realy know why I took the shot: just liked the patterns and lighing. Thanks to all this weeks reviewers: it makes it worthwhile. Bob