> Hello, Photoforum, > > There is a law (G.d knows after whose name), saying > that if noone buys your pictures, start selling your cameras :o/ Peeter I've really, really enjoyed your images in the gallery and I'm shocked that you would suggest such a thing. I too have never sold a photo and never had one published. However, I see this as a failing on the part of the slack jawed image buying public and not on my photographic prowess. F*** 'em all. As long as you've got a mundane government job to pay some of the bills, let the others pile up and shoot, shoot, shoot. However, if you really need to sell, do it on eBay. You don't even have to know what something is worth because you've got an international market. Where else can you sell a Rolleiflex lens hood for $700.00 US? You don't ship anything until you've got the cash. Greg