From: "Gregory Fraser" <> > I respect the advice of many people on this list (Colette and Bobert excepted) but I personally take what I'm told SHEESH!! What is THAT, Mr. Fraser?? Who was it that guilted you into planting those wildflowers? Martha Stewart, I'm not! As for Bobert.....well, I can't speak for him. I'd imagine he is off with Auntie Em somewhere in the Southern region of the globe! ......and to appease Stormin' Norman, let's make this photo related.......nice Gallery review, Luis!! So glad to see you are out of retirement! Rich Mason is certainly on a photographic roll. Kostas...the website you sent was hysterical. Guess Alan Zinn and I are of the Same Sick Humor University! Mr. Norman's assignment for his students was very intersting. Thanks for sharing the details. You might consider having a chat with Karl. He is our resident guru/educator/photographer/computer geek extraordinaire'. In response to Mr. Talbot....are you really expecting us to wait with bated breath for that review? *cough*cough* Shyrell....hang in there. This can be a great place to learn and share. Welcome. And finally, in response to Gregory david sheep, you say?? BA-BA Colette :)