Jerry Anderson wrote: > I have been storing my XTOL in wine boxes. ...... Well now, that's a cool idea. Since wine also has a problem with oxidation, the bladder material should be good and, since a good darkroom should be dark, sunlight would be a non issue. My only concern is any latent acidity from the original contents particularly with the cheaper wines like Franzia (a terrible wine to begin with). Since acidic acid is essentially vinegar, if the wine in question is even remotely turning bad, it will affect the developer. As a precaution, perhaps a warm soapy rinse with a bit of sulfuric acid (the normal combatant of the vinegar spore) would be advisable. Andy, what do your chemist colleagues think? Peace! Sidney -- God said, Let there be light! Divine Light: Photography by Rev. Sidney Flack 2507 E. 2nd Street Tulsa, OK 74104-1903