Register your images with the US copyright office, just in case you need the protection offered by such an act, even though you're Canadian. $30 for any number of images. $30 for any number of published images within a calendar year, but they like a list of publications with that registration.
Find out whether international copyright law has some protection for you, the Berne Convention is the standard arrangment but Turkey may not be a signer.
Hire a lawyer to send out a cease and desist order to both the infringer and his ISP, and alert the search engines that the site is infringing on your copyright.
Check on the editorialphotographers site about copyright lawyers you might be able to contact and how to register.
See if Bobberty responds or send him an email directly to see whether he has any suggestions.
Finally, if it's still useful, although it sounds like it isn't, if there are links to the original images from his site to yours you can replace your linked image with a short message that details the infringment and rename your image on the page, so when people go to your site to see the image he stole they get the message.
the object of the game may end up being to embarass him. -- Emily L. Ferguson 508-563-6822 New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography Beetle cats on the web at: