copyright violation

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I have found myself in a situation where someone in Turkey has copied
several of my photographs, incorporated them into his artwork, and is
claiming them to be his own work.  He denies copying my work, essentially
implying that I stole the images from him.   I have the original negatives
and outtakes, etc., and it would be obvious at a glance to a judge or jury
that I am the original photographer.

However, I live in Canada, and it seems totally impractical for me to
travel to Turkey and argue in front of a Turkish court (in Turkish) my case.

He is ignoring my emails now, his ISP (Turkish) claims they can do nothing
without order from Turkish court, and the ISP of another site (Turkish)
where his images appear have ignored my emails.

Can someone suggest some action that I can take that can resolve this

Dan C.


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