From: "Christiane Roh" <> > Le 3.4.2003 20:05, « Gregory david Stempel » <> a > écrit : > > > I want to publicly thank the LA Times for trying to maintain a sense of > > honesty in their photographers. > > Check this site for details. > > > > Gregory, > > When I look at the US TV channels or at the European ones, they seem to > speak of two different wars. So in that context, the combining of two > pictures to get a better composition sounds like much a do about nothing. > His only sin may be to have done it too hastily or inexpertly. Or may be > that was just a pretext and they would have fired him anyway ? I'm sure you would not do this. It would mean that you are a person of bad character. > There are other manipulation of opinion going on in the US which are far > more worrying, especially coming from a country who pretends to teach > democracy to others. This is grossly OT, but you choose to start it. Most of us here in the US, according to recent, independent, reputable polls are not in agreement with you. The United States is the oldest republic on the face of this earth. We were born in liberty when Europe was still bending the knee to kings and emperors. The history of Western Europe is one of the negotiations of diplomacy, followed by appeasement, followed by war, followed by subjugation, followed by liberation by others who spent their treasure and spilled their blood that they may be free of the subjugation. They who liberated them did not want conquest or spoils but helped build them back up, loaned them money interest free and then forgave these depts. All their liberators asked in return was a small plot of land with which to bury their fallen who would never return. Now these people have desecrated their graves. This is the sort that inhabit much of Western Europe. Western Europe has a long and colorful history. Unfortunately, few over there were taught nor did they learn the important lessons of their history, hence they continue to value life more highly than liberty. For this, they deserve neither.