Le 3.4.2003 20:05, «?Gregory david Stempel?» <fyrframe@centurytel.net> a écrit?: > I want to publicly thank the LA Times for trying to maintain a sense of > honesty in their photographers. > Check this site for details. > http://www.latimes.com/news/custom/showcase/la-ednote_blurb.blurb Gregory, When I look at the US TV channels or at the European ones, they seem to speak of two different wars. So in that context, the combining of two pictures to get a better composition sounds like much a do about nothing. His only sin may be to have done it too hastily or inexpertly. Or may be that was just a pretext and they would have fired him anyway ? There are other manipulation of opinion going on in the US which are far more worrying, especially coming from a country who pretends to teach democracy to others. -- Christiane