Greg and Thomas Thanks muchly for reviewing my photograph. The comments you two folks made were constructive and helpful. I have much to learn and it is only by critical analysis that I will improve. Let me say also that you both wrote fascinating and perceptive reviews this week. peace, rand ---------------------- GF wrote: Rand Flory (The Flower) - I had to ask my non-photographer wife for her opinion of this shot because it didn't evoke much feeling in me either way. She said the same thing but she was able figure out she couldn't understand why any of the elements (other than the flower) were in the image. There is a LOT of black negative space. The hand is missing the thumb and the you can't see either end of the legs. They could be dismembered as far as I can tell. The lines of the legs and arm meet at the knees but why? There's nothing there to look at. TD wrote: Rand Flory - The Flower You got no comments on the flower between her legs...which one is "major" and which is "minor": you could easily get into trouble commenting this picture! Technically very good, but I think the positioning of her legs is a bit strange; maybe you could have turned the camera a bit so the legs were not horisontal, giving more triangular shapes. Good and thought-provoking.