Every time someone brings up something about digital it doesn't matter what it is, we all get pulled into the same shouting match. And in all this I really doubt any of us have answered kostas' question.
At 01:20 PM 2/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
On 2/12/03 11:55 AM, "Brian Blankenship" <brian@bngraphics.com> wrote: > but i dont want just acceptable and frankly neither should you. You think you should shoot medium format for everything? I shoot 35mm film, medium format, large format and high end digital. They all have their place and purpose. As for acceptable quality, I own my own drum scanner to scan my film (mostly used for chromes). I have a pretty good idea of what a good quality is with respect to enlargements. Frankly, I find it tiresome to debate digital vs. film quality with people who rely on 'the net' and anything but personal experience to form their opinions. Lawrence ---------------------------------- Lawrence W. Smith Photography http://www.lwsphoto.com lsmith@lwsphoto.com ----------------------------------
Thank you very much. Sincerely, Brian Blankenship B & N Graphics http://www.bngraphics.com