Re: PF members' exhibits Feb. 01, 2003

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I think you realize that there are twelve listed in the Gallery intro, but
only eleven images .

Bill Ellis

----- Original Message -----
From: "ADavidhazy" <>
To: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students"
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 10:23 AM
Subject: PF members' exhibits Feb. 01, 2003

> The PhotoForum member's gallery/exhibit space was updated 02-01-03.
> with work now on display at
>             Peeter Vissak - Allegory
>             Fletcher Jernigan -
>             D.L. Shipman -
>             Christiane Roh - Lausanne, Palais Rumine
>             John Palcewski - Thanatopsis I
>             Karen Habbestad - pressure
>             Morley Roberts - Haunted?
>             Emily L. Ferguson - Massasoit
>             Dan Mitchell - Owl
>             jIMMY Harris - Hickory Nut Tree
>             Steven Ross - Kessock Bridge
>             Christopher Strevens - AAAAHR!
> In Gallery-X find series by Marilyn Dalrymple on "Sun Prints" and one by
> Andrew Davidhazy resulting from tests with a Canon EOS-1Ds.
> There are currently four (4) photographs enqueued for future exhibition.
> Authors are: Dalrymple, Palcewski, Earnest and Small.Contribution
> can be obtained by following a link from the main gallery page given
> New series of 5-6 images per author as well as new work (up to about 12
> photographs) by groups of students encouraged!
> A new group exhibit based on the general theme of STREET PHOTOGRAPHY is
> planned for the future. To participate send your images following the
> guidelines for the weekly exhibit (keep them less than about 500 pixels in
> longest dimension and/or a maximum filesize of about 50K when JPEG
> Please DO NOT SEND IMAGE FILES TO THE LIST itself. For this project send
> instead to: stating the word: STREET in the subject line.
> FYI - There were about 375 visits paid to the main gallery last week.
> Thank you - Ramona & the PF Exhibits Staff
> PS: sorry for delay in updating exhibit ... late night last one!

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