> Odd, I see no splash page. Of course one of the advantages of non-M$ > browsers is that often the most annoying 'features' of designed-for-M$ > pages don't work. Brian I expect I'm misusing the term. http://webdesign.about.com/library/weekly/aa031401a.htm "Splash pages are often very thin on content, yet the quicker you get information to the site visitor, the less likely they will hit that back button. A splash page should contain more than links into the site, it should also contain: logo and name complete contact information (at a minimum, an email link) sufficient information to identify the purpose of the site a skip intro option (for all Flash intros) information for search engines " I was presented with a large black screen waiting for a single large image to load. It was then I hit the right mouse button - probably would not have done so soon if I had had some text to read while I waited for the pictures ... not on broadband I'm afraid ... Words at the top of the page under the navbar ... yes, good idea ... What is a splash screen? Mmmm ... there are as many definitions on google as there are answers to "what is art"? Bob "A picture is worth a thousand nerds" - Flash