Ask for 5 cents for every card printed. Not every card sold. Every card printed. I would stipulate for one box (15 cards) to be given to you for every 2500 cards printed. r Stephen Buckman wrote: > > Hi all, > > I have a question regarding a greeting card distributor who may want to buy > some of my photos. Here is the letter he sent me. I don't know if this is a > good deal. Please help if anyone can. Thanks. > > Steve > > > THE CONTRACT IN ESSENCE STIPULATES THAT ALL IMAGES USED ARE COPY RIGHTED BY > YOU, YOU WILL RETAIN OWNERSHIP OF ALL IMAGES, AND THE CONTRACT SIMPLY > LICENSES US TO MARKET THEM. > > THERE IS A ROYALTY AMOUNT PAID UPON THE SALE OF EACH CARD WHICH IS .03 CENTS > PER CARD, WHICH FOR EXAMPLE, IF SOLD IN BOXES OF 15, YOUR ROYALTY IS .45 PER > BOX. > > ROYALTIES ARE PAID TWICE A YEAR > THIS ESSENTIALLY BECOMES AN ANNUITY, IF WE SELECTED TEN IMAGES THE FIRST > YEAR, AND NOTHING AFTER THAT, YOU WOULD CONTINUE TO RECEIVE ROYALTYS NOT > ONLY FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE CONTRACT, BUT UNTIL ANY EXISTING INVENTORY IS > SOLD OUT EVEN AFTER THE TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. > > 1] There is no set dollar amount that can be stated as to potential income. > 2] We do not purchase the photo,you retain ownership of the image, the back > of the card lists copyright to you. > 3] compensation is at the rate of 3 cents per card upon sales, with payments > made twice each year, June 30th, and end of year at as of December 31st. > 4] There is no way we can predict or guarantee what the sales will be, there > are two many intangibles > 5] the way we 'test the waters' is to place copies of the cards in the hands > of the sales people the first of the year, and let them book orders, most > Christmas card aelection and purchasing is finished by the end of May, based > on the orders taken, we determine which images to print and quantity. Our > minimum print run is 2500 cards (166 boxes), and we have often had print > runs in excess of 10,000 cards. > As you can see the money is made on having a variety of images, not just two > or three. And of course, once the image is included in the line, it becomes > an annuity, > and produces income in future years with out any other input.