Personal: One's own;
Review: A general survey or
assessment of a subject or thing.
Opinion: Unproven
belief. What one thinks about something.
Now we have that cleared up {:->
Roderick Chen: Moody,
moving, artistic.
Richard Cooper
Lines: Provokes feeling; surprise. I like the red figure surrounded by gray. John Mason
Smoke from Burn Outs, Eastside Raceway: This image has a ghostly feel to it. If I were a driver, I may see this photograph as a premonition of what is ahead of me (I'd probably change my mind about driving in the race). Greg Fraser
Reality: Delightful. Tells a story. I like the delicacy of the tree on the right. Gregory david Stempel
The Storm: Wow! Really exciting. Well worth the drive and wait. David Small
Strong. Graphic. Makes me think. I like it. I'm going to have to finish this review
later. I'm holding up someone's progress on the computer.
Marilyn Dalrymple