I usually take my laptop on shoots for this purpose. Use the USB port to connect. That or buy the hard drive for it, 1 gig. That should hold more than 11 pictures.
At 07:29 PM 12/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Daveplease help! did some test shots with my new d100. i will be doing some weddigns with it and printing out the photos to give to the customers on my epson 1280. (hopefully) i have up until now been taking tiff file photos. the largest ones. the phots are beautiful out of the printer. BUT.. i can not take a wedding like that. i will never have a card that big! or have enough money to buy that many. i dont think. i tryed taking some shots med tiff. got some beautiful ones in the snow. i sell my photogrphy and they are definately great canadates for my customers but they dodnt seem to look very good printed out on paper. please help. im so frustrated i have a beautiful camera and now the only thing looks like i can use is for is tiff large. which gives me i think 11 pictures or something like that. on my 256 memory card! anyone have any advice for me.. other than using film! fellow photographer jody lynn thanks!
"The more time you have to think things through, the more you have to screw it up."
--Clint Eastwood