RE: Gallery

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-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn's Mail []
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 9:51 AM
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
Subject: Gallery

Greg Fraser
'39 Chevy:  Nice textures - and they were a surprise.  When I think of a car, I think of smooth, shiny, sleek.  The textures of the rusting metal was not what I was expecting.  Well framed and composed for a nice design.


Hello Marilyn,

Thanks for your gallery comments this week. The texture of this truck and her younger sister beside her were fabulous. They sit behind a house where I occasionally go to work on the owner's computer. I went there about a month ago and the owner wasn't there so I did some snooping and found these two nestled behind a row of sheds and I was very excited at the prospect of shooting them. When I returned last week I brought my 35mm. I took about 10 shots with my 35mm. Out of the 10 shots I took, only 2 turned out. Turns out the shutter decided on that day that it would finally gum up and only fire when the mood strikes it. Oh she sounds like she fired but the shutter doesn't open. But on the bright side I found out that if I use the self timer, it fires consistently. But then again on the down side, I can't set the self timer while the camera is on the tripod and I'm certain to forget to set it before setting up a shot. Life's all about trade-offs eh? 


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