It's not like he's going to have a parade of portrait customers coming through his studio, bang, bang, bang. This seems to me to be rather more effort than that. If he's going for the most appealing facial expression, that's 30 minutes under the lights right there. Then there's setting up, and warming up the client, and breaking down and loading up the car and unloading and paperwork and running to and back from the lab twice and meeting with the client to review the shoot and getting and delivering the print order. Sure, some of that last part comes out of the print price, but still it seems way too low. Heck, I think my prices are low, too. OK let me give you an idea of what happens at my Studio.... Again....this is people coming to MY Studio. I do get some bucks extra if I go to them. I do need to set up the equipment............ I talk with them and do the photos..... I usually can do the three or four rolls in about 45 minutes............ (This includes one change of clothes or me switching from a white to a black background) There is no going to the Lab as my lab is ME and I do it in the same building as the Studio. The customer comes there to pick up the proofs or I may drop them off to them if its on my way to someplace I am already going. Other wise I will stick them in the mail. Any conversation we have over what shots they want is printed over the telephone. (I have a duplicate set of contact sheets.) When the photos are done the delivery is the same method as they received the proofs. Maybe it's the folks I work for, but If I told my customers that a sitting would cost them $75.00 or more plus film etc etc I wouldn't have any customers at all. Remember folks I am doing mostly shots of Performing Arts People in local theatre. They are generally doing theatre as a sideline or they are students starting out. Yes on occasion I do get some clients who are established performers. I know that I am not charging enough...... And with out trying to sound conceited, my talents are worth more than what I am getting . But To tell you the truth what you folks are getting for a basic sitting for head shots sounds rather high to me..... (well actually I would love to be able to charge that amount.....) I did plan on calling around and seeing what the other guys are getting it may give me an idea of what the prices are in my neck of the woods.