Russ, 12 in 1966, lets see I was.... 13, so that makes us 25 now : ) In the past I had photographed rock bands for many, many years. Local bands, local musicians, artists. B/W silver prints, studio or location. You could do better service to our craft by increasing the sitting fee to 150.00 for individuals, and discounting from there (as I know you will need to do). I assume these head shots take a while as the right expressions are so very important. Also I assume you are using strobes. Myself I would charge 50.00 for a bottom discounted fee for the session. (I figure one hour time for set up, planning and shooting in the 50.00) B/W film, processing and proof sheet 17.50 per roll. Then I would charge a first print price for each 8x10 pose --minimum 20.00, with additional prints of lots of ten, twenty five, at a lower price as you are comfortable with. IMHO we need to get paid for that first custom silver print. The one print can be reproduced on flyers, business cards etc., you deserve the money. Hope this helps. Looks like PF is giving great response to your post! -Bobbie ""Ok................... I do Photography as a business, but as a sideline to my regular job as a Dark Room Lab Tech at a Document Management Co. I can use floor space where my day job is after hours (nights and weekends) for my studio space. I have my own dark room on the premises""