Well I received a message about a gallery review but I had not received the review so I went to the archive and found the review. I sent a message in response but it never showed up in my inbox and it never showed up in the archive. I assumed the list was getting ill again so I watched and sure enough the messages dried up. Even the usual message from Andy saying the list has crapped out never showed up so I figured that perhaps the entire email system at RIT was down. So everything is fine now except that Marilyn apparently posted a gallery review which I never received and neither did the archive. Marilyn, would you mind posting your review again? I hope to bang one out myself. By the way I finally got around to trying to print my own photos last night. It was an extremely humbling experience and I only got one even half way decent print. Actually its only relatively decent compared to the other almost totally black ones and the wildly crooked ones (must build that safelight). I had my chemicals in a heated water bath that was at 68 degrees when I started. What I didn't realize was that the heater had not reached its cut-off limit and continued heating until the water got to 74 degrees. That was just one thing that went wrong but it was probably the biggest thing. On the good side though, the paper that I purchased at a huge discount because it had no expiry date on it, gave me black blacks and white whites so I'm very happy about that since I have 500 sheets of it. Greg > -----Original Message----- > From: Qkano [mailto:wildimages@lineone.net] > Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 4:14 PM > To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students > Subject: Re: Hmmm....... > > > > I wonder if the list is running again? > It never stopped ... where have you been the last few days? > > > > > > > > > >