Re: a bitchin I go again..

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Karl Shah-Jenner <> wrote/replied to:

>from the wonderful people at FUJI:
>"Create your own FREE Photo Album Website at"yourname "
>yay!  Doesn't this sound grand?  Doesn't fuji sound like a fun, caring and sharing member
>of the photographic community? <sarcasm>
>But wait, there's more!  ..From their terms and conditions (in the little scroll box that
>no one scrolls through) I quote: "To enable your images or photographs to be uploaded and
>made available on the Service you grant to us and to any store which uses the Service and
>which you have requested upload your images or photographs to the Service, a non-exclusive
>transferable worldwide royalty-free copyright licence to reproduce, adapt or alter your
>images or photographs.
>You acknowledge that we have no control over the use of your images or photographs and
>shall not be held liable for any use, publication or copying of your images and
>photographs. You waive all rights of action or other claims you may have against us in
>respect of any such use, publication or copying."

And at the very bottom, where NOONE ever scrolls too, they're too
bored, I found this:

“we” or “us” means Hanimex Pty Limited including, its employees,
agents or sub-contractors.

Who the hell are these people anyway?

"take every day as a gift,
never get angry at the idiotic mass of humanity,
delight in the craftsmanship of BMW and nature"
Jim Davis, 2002

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