RE: another wedding session

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At 09:31 AM 8/22/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Rob says:
>"Video spots are generally not bright enough to affect film.   They barely
>get the exposure up enough for video and make for an easy to white balance
>Rob, who were you working with on video? Where I work (granted, we don't do
>weddings) we use hot lights from 500 watts at the small end to (obviously
>for only very big events, not small weddign-ish work) 12,000 watts! We use
>the same stuff the networks use for 35mm cinema.

Most news crews have the camera mounted mini-lights.   They are not very 
spot, in fact they tend to cover the subject quite well.   When I've worked 
with video folks who setup the hot lights, the lights generally do what I 
would want them to do anyway.   I'm usually thankful they exist.

Rob Miracle
Photographic Miracles
203 Carpenter Brook Dr.
Apex, NC 27502

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