Re: photographer's block

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    Ok...long post on the block business...

  If we make a graph of the process, and put time on the horizontal 
axis and improvement/progress on the vertical, uninterrupted growth
would look like:

   I |
   m |
   p |
   r |       /
   o |      /
   v |     /
   e |    /
   m |   /
   e |  /
   n | /
   t |/_______________________________________

   But it is never like that, is it ? 

   In reality, most learning curves are "S" shaped, something like:

   |                /
   |          -----/
   |         /
   |        /
   |  -----/
   | /

      We all know the feeling....we start, experience a heady rush
of fast improvement (and for the very talented, a LONG and heady rush),
then things seem to slow down a lot...then nothing seems to happen,
as with Kosta's predicament. 
   I would not call this a block, but a time of gestation. By calling 
it a block, you make it harder than it has to be. It is only part of
the learning curve, and as long as you don't quit, or focus too hard
on it, you will get past it, and go on to another period of growth.
   Patience....and as a photo professor I once knew told a friend of
mine, "shoot your way through it". Don't stop working ! 

   More in another post...
   -- Luis


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