Technically, the tick doesn't have a proboscis though one of its mouthparts--the hypostome--is a sort-of projection that may have caused the error.
Thanks JOSEPH,
oNCE Again- I must pleaD -iNCOMPETENCE!
from google:
A tick pushes its hypostome into a hole in the skin of a host that has been made by sharp teeth in the front of the hypostome. The barbs anchor the tick to the skin and make it difficult to pull the tick out. Some ticks also produce a cement-like substance that helps anchor them to the host. Sharp teeth at the front of the hypostome cut blood vessels under the skin, causing the blood to form a pool. The tick then sucks this blood into its gut through the hypostome. To keep the blood from clotting, ticks inject saliva containing a kind of anticoagulant into the blood pool.
DAMN! I thought I was abused before! Now I feel totally violated!
HEY! The only ERROR Here is that this lil bug thought that he could -bite me-!
Now- he is 'stuffed - framed & mounted' - !