Re: Anonymous Exhibit Project - Did anyone get announcement?

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At 10:21 AM 8/8/2002 +1200, Roland wrote:
>The best way of filtering out the PhotoForum messages is by the recipient,
>which is always

Lets look at the [photoforum] tag issue from various points of view.

1.   Someone uses a system that doesn't support filters and mailboxes, i.e AOL.
Having the [Photoforum] tag there doesn't hurt those with filters and those 
without can easily pick out their messages from the spam.

2.   Someine uses a nice emailer like Eudora (hint hint.....) and filters 
everything under the sun, has multiple mail boxes and is an Email power 
user.    In my case, I filter on the "photoforum" address in ANY header and 
route those messages to my Photoforum mail box.   I don't seem to need the 
tag, but . . .  when I delete messages and they go to the Trash folder and 
I want to go back and find them, they are now all mixed in with the other 
300 mail messages I trashed today.   For all my other lists, sorting on 
Subject groups all of the mailing lists together so I can find messages 
from there quickly.   Photoforum's are sorted by the subject content and is 
much harder to find in the sea of messages.

Since putting the [photoforum] tag in the subject line only has a minimal 
impact in file size transmitted, and its something that Andy should be able 
to have turned on without too much hassle, I say go for it.   No harm, lots 
of benefits.  If you make use of it, great, if not, no big deal.

Rob Miracle
Photographic Miracles
203 Carpenter Brook Dr.
Apex, NC 27502

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