RE: PF exhibits of 2002-07-27

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Two notes about Bob's comments:

Veli Izzet Cigirgan 

> >               Veli Cigirgan -
> Noon?
> Nothing to take away but I'm feeling there is more detail in 
> your shot than it is possible to cram into 131000 pixels. In 
> a print you could no doubt give some texture to the wooden 
> window, here even the texture of the wall fails to come across.

No, not noon but in verysh light, but even this could be compensated in
PS, the problem is the colour space I mentioned in the former post.
 I have not yet printed this image, but you are right about thed detail.

> >               Christopher Strevens - Banded Snail
> Almost
> The twig ours side of the snail running to bottom left being 
> so far out of focus spoils this. It looks like the snail was 
> going nowhere so I wonder if this was the best that could be done.
> Great bokeh though.

The twig is still out of focus on the focus pane.. It is very hard to
mimic the right DOF later with digital captures.

> Bob

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