Re:RE: Ouch.

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Mr. Toothbrush wrote about the Streetphoto Salon /rules:

>Is interest high enough that their salon is run every week? I have >noticed with our list that several people appear to be rather busy >and everyone might not have time to even pick a topic when it was >their turn. Also the choice of topics could conceivably get bounced >back and forth between as few as 2 people.

  The Salon at Street Photo is a mixed bag. In manyh ways it has 
a dedicated cadre of participants, all of whom applaud it (including our
 Christiane), citing it as a synergizing influence. On the other hand,
it is an overwhelming amount of images to review, and most reviews 
are a few lines at best (and there's the usual mutual bakslapping).
The ;arge amount of posts it generated created other problems as
well, such as tnding to dominate the list. I never review on SP 
because it is just too much. There have been recent discussions
about the salon there, and the listowner has rolled it back, and introduced a portfolio review. Personally, I think the PF gallery 
is fine as it is, and of course, everyone who wants to put up an URL 
is welcome to. One thing I like about the PF gallery is that it  is
non-competitive. The Salon has a distinct aura of "contest", 
King of the Mountain, etc., that is totally different from anything 
that has ever transpired here.

Just a few thoughts. Each list hath its own character,
and IMO, what happens at Street Photo is fine for over there,
and what we have here works well, with the occassional project
(Postcard Exchange II is being hatched in a smoky backroom as I type this) to spice up things.

>Perhaps coasters from RIT's pub.

  Gee, Greggie, with your talk of "colossal prizes", we were thinking you'd do a little fund-raising and make it so. 

> Do US colleges have bars on >campus like Canadian ones do?
  They do, but at RIT, the deal is to get on the a-list for Andy's
yacht for manhattans, or at least that's what I hear. :)

  The idea off pinning the print on the donkey is decidely different,
but it will exclude all who've never put an image in te gallery  before,
or not have a website, reducing it to the same old usual suspects.
It's too "insider-oriented"/exclusive for me. 

                 -- Luis

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