The news here is that some Australian scientists have managed to teleport a laser beam. So they no longer roll at all - just vanish and reappear elsewhere without so much as a by your leave. There is no information as yet on whether they wave goodbye first. Of course, said boffins keep wittering on irrelevantly about developments in quantum computers but what I want to know is, how will it affect photography? Will I be able to get a decent image of Schroedinger's cat? Will my images be just as bad if they suddenly appear elsewhere instead of forming on my film? My God (not that I have one) - will I still hold copyright if they do? The uncertainty is more than I can stand! AndrewF (The Star Trek jokes have ALL been done). >Do photons really wave as they roll by? > >r > > > > >Karl Shah-Jenner wrote: >> But if there IS anything photo related you'd like > > to know then just ask.. Someone can usually provide a sensible explanation > > > > Karl