No, Alan. In US law you cannot license any-time usage of photographs you happen to possess a single copy of, without the permission of the copyright holder, in writing. That's the essence of US Copyright law. However, if you can show that the prints are out of the copyright time limit, now 70 years after the death of the creator I believe, you can protect yourself in case you are taken to court. And, if the images can be shown to have lapsed into the public domain, or to have been made under contract that moved them directly into the public domain, like on assignment to the U. S. Federal Government, at present you can license their usage to your benefit, at least until the government discovers what Micro$loth is doing with those images from the WPA and goes to court to stop that sort of profiteering. In addition, if the images are in the public domain, you can colorize, montage or otherwise substantively alter them and then you can register the copyright on that reworking as your intellectual property and license the usage of them to anyone who will pay you a respectable fee.