Hi Russ Immerse your reels in a warm bleach solution and after about half an hour give 'em a scrub with your mother-in-law's toothbrush. This is process that you should perform on a regualr basis. One way to help the "buil-up" is to make sure you give the reels a good wash in hot water after the film has been removed and hung to dry. Ken >Anybody have any good ideas for >how to clean plastic developing reels? >(Patterson) > >I have a number of reels that over the >years have discolored and work a bit stuff.. > >I am sure that there is some product >on the market to do it. I was wondering >if anyone had any home brew method? > >Russ >R.E. Baker >Photography >rebphoto@pronetisp.net [||/\/\/\/\//\/|| Ken Sinclair RBP, FBPA. [|| ||-| Applied Photographic Services [|| || | Lethbridge, [|| || | Alberta, Canada, [|| ||-| (403) 381-1654. [||\/\/\/\//\/\|| photo1@telusplanet.net _0___________0______ |___________________ | O