Richard Cooper <> writes: > Karl: Try the image I have copyright proctected. > Let me know. You've attached an html file with one of the usual bits of crap in it. I use Opera as my browser, and ***even if I try*** I can't get this nonsense to "work". I mean that all the stuff which my browser has downloaded is where I expect it to be. Look, there is a way (It's bedtime, so excuse typos) - and the Disneythugs are working on it even now. It consists of passing laws to make the private ownership of general-purpose computing equipment illegal. Simple as that. Individuals in the country [no prizes for guessing] that implements this scheme will not be allowed to own computers, full stop. Of course they will be allowed to own "Entertainment consumption devices", which connect to systems operated by these thugs, supplying the consumers with dreck^h^h^h^h^hentertainment, which is consumed in the way specified by the thugs with the blessing of the government. If you think this wouldn't really matter, simply consider the photographic analogue - which you'd better believe is the next to come. Private individuals are only allowed to own "Consumer imaging devices", which operate at such a level that nothing they generate looks remotely like proper thug-produced "imagery". Licenced operators would probably be allowed to operate portrait systems, but only under the strict supervision of the thugs. IT IS NEVER GOING TO BE POSSIBLE TO GIVE SOMEONE INFORMATION - the number "57" for example - WHICH THEY ARE SOMEHOW ABLE TO "view" BUT UNABLE TO PASS TO ANOTHER PERSON. NEVER. EVER. At least until Sony start discovering more and more prime numbers less than 10. Brian Chandler ---------------- geo://Sano.Japan.Planet_3