Le 26.5.2002 10:46, « andrew fildes » <afildes@netlink.com.au> a écrit : > Would appreciate help with a couple of problems.... ... > Anyone know of a good flatbed scanner for medium format. (Yes, I > know, check the archives, but...) I was looking at the new Canon > D1250U2F with backlight but the specs don't mention film format > (Computer store encounter - "Yeah, it does slides brilliantly - huh? > - Medium Format? - whassat?") and, guess what, doesn't support Mac. > Making computer store geeks look stoopid is satisfying but hollow. Is > there anything out there that'll do 6x9 well with a Mac? > > Thanks in advance! > AndrewF > Hi Andrew, I've never heard anything about the scanner you are mentionning, but several considers the Epson's scanners as good units for Medium format films scanning. There is a new 2450 which offers a very good price/performance. Personally, I own an Epson 1600 Pro, who is already an older model and offers less resolution. I'm moderately happy with it : the colors are nice, but there is not much difference between scanning at 800 or at 1600 dpi.. Some accused Epson to have made a "fake 1600 dpi scanner". You can go and ask your question on the Digital silver list hosted by Topica.com, there are very experienced folk there. Among the Leben lists, there is also a scanner list, but it isn't very active and you may get more answers if you ask the Epson Inkjet list instead http://www.leben.com/lists. I hope this help.. -- Christiane "L'art est fait pour troubler, la science rassure" (Georges Braque)